
How HTTPS provides connection security.

April 4, 2017 Pavlo 0

How HTTPS provides connection security: what got to know each Web-developer. So, how actually HTTPS works? Being a Web Developer, I knew that using HTTPS to protect user data – this is a very good idea, […]


A computer virus

March 27, 2017 Pavlo 1

A computer virus – is a type of malicious software program (“malware”), which has a common feature to replicate by reproducing itself (copying its own code source) and able to be introduced into other program’s […]


What is cloud data storage?

March 13, 2017 Pavlo 0

In the last few years, cloud data storages went from unsuitable for personal use and expensive way of data storing to quite affordable and effective tool for addressing such challenges. So, now even normal users […]


The death of personal computers (PC death).

March 5, 2017 Pavlo 0

The death of personal computers is being predicted already for several years. With increase of popularity of mobile devices and decrease of PC sales during the last several years, all experts and journalists are waiting […]


How CPU Works?

February 27, 2017 Pavlo 0

How CPU Works? The computer processor also called the microprocessor and most commonly referred to as the central processing unit (CPU) carries out all the commands to the computer. It is often compared to the […]


Artificial Intelligence

February 25, 2017 Pavlo 0

Artificial Intelligence: Overview Since the invention of machines or computers, their ability to carry out various tasks went on increasing exponentially. Human beings have developed the power and capability of computer systems in terms of […]


Computer history

February 18, 2017 Pavlo 0

Origin and evolution of the computer. For many centuries, humanity lacked an instrument to help the processing of files and information. Back then, there was nothing to facilitate the work of logarithmic problems or any […]

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